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Thursday, March 27, 2008

LET's wAIT FOR tHE OppORTUNitY TO EnTER!!!!!!!!!

After opening low earlier in the day, STI managed to close almost 1% higher. Is it the sign of window-dressing? :)

Time will tell us. Once again, FTSE/ST China went up almost 5% to close at 452.67 today even though Shanghai Index closed 5% lower today. Strange, right?

So, do we need to go shopping now as market looks quite cheap? Yes, but it would be better for us to wait until the consolidation is over before riding with the bull.

I believe if Dow Jones can break 12,700, it will be one of the signals that the worst is over. But before that we will see dow to consolidate to 12,220 - 12,300. Let's see how long does it take to break that point. Next month??? Hopefully. my prediction is right.

HUAT ARH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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